Province of Gelderland: applying for an exemption for a competition on a provincial road
Are you planning to organise a race with or without vehicles on the road? Apply for an exemption from the manager of that road. For a provincial road, do so with the province. We have 2 types of exemptions.
A permit for a road race without vehicles or another event will only be granted if you meet the following conditions:
- the road is a residential access road or an area access road, which has the character of a residential access road;
- no road works will take place on the day of the activity, unless the activity and the works can take place simultaneously ;
- on the day of the activity, no permit has been granted for another activity, unless they can take place at the simultaneously.
No further information.
You apply to the province for your exemption.
When you apply for a permit or an exemption, you must pay the provincial charges to the province. For more information go to the Costs page or contact us.
We need up to 8 weeks to take assess your application, calculated from the day that you sent it in. If you do not include all requested information with your application, processing it will take longer. We process applications in the order in which they are received. Therefor be advised to apply for your exemption on time. The risk of starting without the required exemption is at your expense.
If you disagree with a decision of the province and have an interest in that decision, you can file an objection. At the bottom of each decision you will find whether and within what time period you can filean objection and to whom you should address it. If you cannot file an objection with us, but there is another course of action available to you (such as filing an appeal with another authority), this will also be stated below the decision. More information can be found on our website.
If you have any questions please contact us by telephone +31 26359 9999.
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