Province of Gelderland: applying for an environmental permit for an entrance and exit driveway to a provincial road
As the province of Gelderland, we have a responsibility to maintain the environment. You may wish to do something that requires the environment to be adapted. For this you can apply for a permit or exemption.
No further information.
For some activities it is required to draw up an Environmental Impact Report in advance.
You can apply to the Service Counter for Environmental and Planning Permits (Omgevingsloket) for the environmental permit. There you will also find more information about the proceedings and the situations in which you apply for a permit. You can for example apply for a permit for:
- the activity environmental;
- the activity construction;
- the activity demolition;
- building a driveway;
- discharging cooling water permit;
- commercial advertising permit.
When you apply for a permit, you must pay provincial charges to the Province. The amount of the charges is stated in the rate table Province of Gelderland 2021, or contact us.
On average it takes up to 8 weeks to complete the processing yof a permit application, if fully supplied.
If you disagree with a decision of the province and have an interest in that decision, you can file an objection. At the bottom of each decision you will find whether and within what time period you can filean objection and to whom you should address it. If you cannot file an objection with us, but there is another course of action available to you (such as filing an appeal with another authority), this will also be stated below the decision. More information can be found on our website.
If you have any questions please contact us by telephone +31 26359 9999.
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Contact the Province of Gelderland