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Municipality of West Betuwe: applying for a business passport

Business Passport
If you travel a lot, you can apply for a business passport. This is an ordinary passport. It is only thicker, namely 66 pages instead of 34 pages. You make an appointment for this. Has your travel document gone missing? Submit it via this form.

What you need to know
• Apply for your passport in person at the town hall. Make an appointment for this
• You can pick up the passport after about a week
• A business passport consists of 66 pages. This passport therefore has more space for customs stamps and visas

Urgent request
Do you need your business passport quickly? Then make an urgent request. You can often collect the passport the next day. You pay a surcharge for this.
Have you lost your old passport? Then the application may take longer.

Lost or stolen
• Has your business passport been lost or stolen? You can immediately apply for a new business passport
• When applying for a new business passport, you sign the Vermissing Declaration. You do this at the town hall
• You do not have to report this to the police. In the case of theft, pickpocketing and other crimes, it is wise to do this
• Can you still find your business passport? Submit this immediately to the municipality, it is no longer valid

• For 18 years or older: 10 years
• Up to and including 17 years: 5 years

To request
• Any ID's and passports you have. Even if they have expired.
• 1 passport photo. Note the requirements. We recommend that you have the photo taken by a professional photographer. This will prevent us from being able to use your passport photo for your passport. There is also a passport photo machine in the town hall in Geldermalsen. With this you can easily make a passport photo yourself.
• A debit card to pay for your passport.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of West Betuwe

Visiting address

Kuipershof 2

4191KH Geldermalsen

Opening hours
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 -17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 12:30
Last updated on 12 December 2022