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Applying for a business passport in the Netherlands

Do you hold Dutch citizenship? Do you travel a lot outside the Netherlands on business and get a lot of visas in your passport? If so, you can apply for a zakenpaspoort (business passport). Business passports have more pages and more space for visas.

You apply for a business passport at the municipality where you live. Do you hold Dutch citizenship but have no fixed address in the Netherlands? If so, you can apply for a business passport at a grensgemeente (border municipality). You can do this when visiting the Netherlands.

This is how it works for you

Your (future) place of residence falls under:

In the municipality of Hengelo, Applying for a business passport in the Netherlands falls under Applying for a new passport or renewing your old one in the Netherlands.

Go to Applying for a new passport or renewing your old one in the Netherlands

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Hengelo

Last updated on 26 September 2022