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Municipality of Midden-Groningen: applying for a disabled parking space

Please note: You can only apply for a parking space for the disabled if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You can apply online, by post or at the service desk.

Applying online

Log in with your DigiD [link naar formulier]

Applying by post

Send a letter to [vul contactgegevens in]. Include in your letter:

  • the name of the street and a description or photographs of where you would like the parking space to be located;
  • your name and address.

Applying at the service desk

You can also apply for a disabled parking space at the municipality’s service desk. Make an appointment online:

[maak afspraak]

The municipality does not charge for providing a disabled parking space.

You will receive an answer from the municipality within 2 to 3 months.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Midden-Groningen

Last updated on 23 November 2022