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Municipality of The Hague: applying for an affordable housing permit

Please note: you can apply for an affordable housing permit only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Are you going to rent subsidised housing in the municipality of The Hague? If so, you will need a huisvestingsvergunning (affordable housing permit) in the following situations:

  • the basic rent of the housing is no more than  € 1,015.31 per month.
  • the housing has 185 points or fewer. For more information on the points system, visit the website.

To be eligible for an affordable housing permit, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You must be 18 or older.
  • You have Dutch citizenship, a valid passport from the European Union (EU)European Economic Area (EEA) or a valid verblijfsvergunning (residence permit).
  • The housing has at least 12 square metres of usable floor area per person.
  • Is the basic rent of the housing € 763.47 or less? If so, the taxable annual income of your household may not exceed € 49,013.
  • Is the basic rent of the housing between € 763.47 and € 1,015.31? If so, the taxable annual income of your household may not exceed € 77,521 (or € 61,148 if you live alone).

Applying online via DigiD

Applying online without DigiD

  • fill in the ‘Application for an affordable housing permit’ form;
  • send the form and all attachments via email to:
  • transfer € 48.25 to:
    IBAN number: NL17 BNGH 0285 1096 26
    In the name of: Gemeente Den Haag, Financiële administratie
    Include in the message line: 'FA417/HVV' plus the address of the property you are going to rent

You pay a fee for an affordable housing permit. View the fee.

If the application is complete, you will find out within 2 weeks whether you will be granted an affordable housing permit. What happens if the application is incomplete? The municipality will contact you.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of The Hague

Last updated on 12 January 2024