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Municipality of Dijk en Waard: applying for an affordable housing permit

Please note: you can apply for an affordable housing permit only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You need a huisvestingsvergunning (affordable housing permit) if you want to rent a house below the rent subsidy limit.

Are you renting a home through SVNK (housing association)? Then they take care of the housing permit. Are you renting a house below the rent subsidy limit via a private landlord? Then apply for a housing permit.

Your income may not exceed € 40,765 for a single-person household and not more than € 45,014 for a multi-person household.

You do not need a housing permit if:

  • you rent a house above the rent subsidy limit
  • you buy a home

Applying online via DigiD

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Dijk en Waard

Last updated on 6 December 2022